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Clear Your Mind from Toxins

Uppdaterat: 26 apr. 2024

Hello, this is Martin from In this post, I will talk about a major problem that many people suffer from today, namely that we are exposed to more toxins than ever before. I will also give you some tips on how you can help your body get rid of these toxins and regain your energy, motivation, and joy of life.

Why are toxins so dangerous for us?

Our bodies are not made to handle as many toxins as we are exposed to today. And they are not made to efficiently remove them from our system either. If we don't do anything about it, toxins will build up in our bodies over time and damage our cells, especially our mitochondria.

Mitochondria are the powerhouses we have in our cells. They generate energy for us and keep us healthy and vital. But if they are exposed to toxins, they start to function worse and worse. And we will notice that in places where we have the most mitochondria, such as in the brain, eyes, heart, ovaries, and muscles.

Many people believe that this is just a part of the normal aging process. That it is natural for us to start seeing worse, that we need glasses, that our memory deteriorates, that it becomes harder to learn new things, that we get body aches, and that we lose the zest for life. But that's not how it should be. It's not normal to age at the rate we do today. It's the toxins that make us old prematurely.

Where do the toxins come from?

There are many sources of toxins in our modern world. Here are some of the most common:

Blue light. We look at too much blue light today, from our computers, mobiles, TVs, and LED lights. It is not normal for the body to be exposed to so much blue light, especially in the evening. It disrupts our circadian rhythm, our sleep quality, and our hormone balance. It can lead to stress, depression, anxiety, weight gain, and inflammation.

Mold spores

Another common source of toxins is mold spores. Mold does not necessarily have to smell or be visible to be dangerous. It is very common for there to be mold in the ventilation system, both at home and at work. And if you work in a large workplace, the ventilation system blows the mold around to all the different offices. Mold can cause allergies, asthma, headaches, fatigue, concentration difficulties, and a weakened immune system.


We apply chemicals to our bodies every day, from cosmetics, skin creams, shampoo, soap, deodorant, and perfume. Many of these products contain hormone-disrupting substances that can affect our fertility, our sexuality, our mood, and our health. We also drink tap water that contains fluoride, chlorine, drug residues, and other toxins. Substances that are both carcinogenic and neurotoxic have even been found in tap water. This is not something that is isolated to certain parts of the world, but it is a global phenomenon. We are definitely not immune here in Sweden.


We eat food that has been given antibiotics, steroids, and growth hormones. And vegetables that have been sprayed with glyphosate and Roundup. This affects our gut flora, our digestion, our nutrient absorption, and our health. We also have bacteria in us that produce toxins in our own intestinal system. When we eat processed food, sugar, and fast carbohydrates, we feed the bad bacteria that can take over in our gut. The bad bacteria generate toxins called lipopolysaccharides, which spread around in our body and destroy our mitochondria over time.

How can we get rid of the toxins?

As you can see, there are many ways that we are exposed to toxins today. And it's not easy to avoid them entirely. But there are things that we can do to help our bodies get rid of them and reduce their harmful effects. Here are some tips on how you can detox your body and your life:

Sleep more

Sleep is one of the most important factors for our body to be able to clear out toxins and repair itself. Try to sleep at least 7-8 hours per night, and make sure you have a dark, quiet, and cool bedroom. Avoid looking at screens at least one hour before you go to bed, and use a blue light filter or a pair of glasses that block blue light if necessary. You can also take a warm bath, drink a glass of warm milk, or a cup of chamomile tea before you go to bed to help you wind down.

Drink more water

Water is vital for our body to be able to transport and excrete toxins. Drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day, preferably filtered or spring water. Avoid drinking water from plastic bottles, as they can leak chemicals into the water. You can also add some lemon, cucumber, mint, or ginger to your water to give it more flavor and boost your detox.

Eat more greens

Vegetables are full of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and fibers that help our body fight and eliminate toxins. Try to eat at least 500 grams of vegetables per day, preferably organic and varied. The more colorful the better. You can eat them raw, cooked, steamed, fried, baked, in salads, soups, smoothies, or juices. Some of the best vegetables for detox are broccoli, spinach, kale, celery, cucumber, garlic, onion, ginger, parsley, and cilantro.

Avoid sugar and processed food

Sugar and processed food are some of the worst enemies for our health. They give us empty calories, create inflammation, disrupt our blood sugar balance, feed the bad bacteria in our gut, and contribute to us storing more fat and toxins in our cells. Try to avoid anything that contains sugar, flour, grains, dairy products, artificial sweeteners, additives, preservatives, and colorings. Always read the ingredient list on what you buy, and choose as natural and clean food as possible.


Exercise is a fantastic way to stimulate our blood circulation, lymph flow, our breathing, and our sweating.

Breathe deeply

Breathing is one of the most important processes for our body to be able to oxygenate itself and get rid of carbon dioxide and other toxins. But many of us breathe too shallowly and quickly, which leads to stress, tension, fatigue, and poorer health. Try to breathe deeply and calmly, through the nose, with the stomach, and in a steady flow. Breathe in for four seconds, hold your breath for four seconds, breathe out for four seconds, and hold your breath for four seconds. Repeat this for a few minutes every day, or when you feel stressed or anxious. You can also try different breathing exercises, such as pranayama, the Wim Hof method, or the Buteyko method.

Take supplements

It's not always easy to get all the nutrients we need to support our detox and our health. Therefore, it can be good to take some supplements that can help us along the way. Some of the best supplements for detox are:

Choline. Choline is a substance that helps our liver break down and transport fat and toxins. It is also important for our brain function, our memory, and our learning. Choline is found in eggs, liver, nuts, seeds, and legumes, but many people do not get enough of it. Therefore, it can be good to take a choline supplement, preferably in the form of phosphatidylcholine, which is the most bioavailable form.


Glutathione is one of the most powerful antioxidants we have in our body. It protects our cells from toxins, free radicals, and inflammation. It is also important for our immune system, our DNA repair, and our detoxification. Glutathione is found in garlic, onion, broccoli, spinach, kale, avocado, nuts, seeds, and meat, but it can also be destroyed by stress, illness, age, and toxins. Therefore, it can be good to take a glutathione supplement, preferably in the form of liposomal glutathione, which is the most absorbable form.

Activated charcoal

Activated charcoal is a substance that binds to toxins and other harmful substances in our body and helps us excrete them. It can help us get rid of heavy metals, drug residues, mold spores, bacterial toxins, and other toxins. Activated charcoal is available in the form of capsules, powder, or tablets, and can be taken as needed or regularly. But it is important to drink plenty of water when taking activated charcoal, as it can cause constipation or dehydration. It is also important not to take activated charcoal at the same time as other medications or supplements, as it can reduce their effect.

Do a sauna

A sauna is an excellent way to sweat out toxins and relax. The heat in the sauna increases our blood circulation, our lymph flow, our metabolism, and our sweating. It helps us get rid of toxins, excess salt, water, and fat. It can also relieve muscle pain, joint pain, headaches, cold symptoms, and stress. Try to do a sauna at least once a week, and stay in the sauna for 15-20 minutes per time. Drink plenty of water before and after the sauna, and shower off with cold water to close the pores and improve your skin.

How you can follow me and learn more

These are some of the tips I have to help you get rid of the toxins that are destroying your health. I hope you have gained some new insights and inspiration to make some changes in your life. I know it can be hard to break old habits and start with new ones, but I promise you it's worth it. You will feel more energetic, happier, healthier, and younger.

If you want to learn more about how to detox your body and your life, please feel free to follow me on YouTube. There, I regularly post videos on various topics related to health, detox, diet, exercise, breathing, meditation, and personal development.

You can also visit my website, where you can read more about me, my story, my services, and my products. If you want to get in touch with me, you can send an email to, or fill out the form on my website.

Thank you very much for reading my blog post today. I hope you have found it valuable, and that you will try some of my tips. I wish you a continued pleasant and toxin-free day.



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