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How both men and women can benefit from the miracle hormone progesterone

Martin is not a doctor and this is not medical advice. 

Progesterone is a hormone that has a lot of benefits for both Men and women. 

There are over 300 receptor sites for progesterone throughout the body, and there's a lot of powerful effects people can experience when they are given this hormone. 

It is a hormone that is present in both sexes. 

It blocks the toxic effects of three hormones in the body - estradiol, insulin, and adrenaline.

Estrogen is toxic in higher amounts and it increases serotonin, but Progesterone lowers estrogen and hence also serotonin. 

Almost everyone alive today has too high levels of estrogen, because all toxins act like estrogens in the body.

The most common form and also the strongest form of estrogen is called e² or estradiol.

There is no such thing as an estrogen deficiency, if you completely sterilize female rats so that they can't produce estrogen, progesterone can replace all estrogens functions. 

It is responsible for causing fatigue, cramps and PMS in women, as well as fibroids, endometriosis, fibrocystic disease of the breast, and PCOS. 

Animals in the feedlot industry gets Injected with estrogen because they become fatter on 30 % less calories. 

It is responsible for pregnancy sickness that often occurs during the first three months of pregnancy. Estrogen is linked to six different cancers in women - the breast, uterus, ovaries, vagina, cervix, and colon. 

It is also the cause of breast cancer and prostate cancer in men. Progesterone cream can help with all these conditions.

Insulin is the storage hormone, in simple terms it helps the Body to store nutrients, proteins and fat. Without proper Insulin function you could end up with diabetes, hypoglycemia aka low blood sugar and obesity. 

Adrenaline is increased during stressful times to create more energy. Every time your blood sugar falls too low, Adrenaline is released to break down your muscle tissue, including your digestive tract and heart muscles, and then convert the proteins to sugar, to be used as fuel.

Thousands of years ago, the only time the body released adrenaline was during periods of danger. As soon as the danger passed, the body immediately stopped producing the adrenaline. Nowadays, however, people are often producing excess adrenaline all day and all night even when they are not in danger. The reason for this is that the body is using adrenaline to raise sugar levels by breaking down your muscles and converting the proteins into sugar.

Progesterone is an amazing hormone that can regulate all of the above.

Progesterone is also anxiolytic,  meaning that it lowers anxiety. If you have enough Progesterone you will experience a calm, relaxed yet focused kind of energy production Without any stress hormones. 

Daily progesterone is best in order to control insulin and adrenaline, hormones that are produced daily, both day and night.

Bio-identical progesterone is identical to the progesterone produced in the body. Progestogens are synthetic, and are the ones that are found in birth control pills, hormonal IUD's, and drugs like Provera. 

Progestogens can never replace the need for Bio-identical progesterone because the progestogens have a very low binding affinity for the progesterone receptors. 

They are also responsible for almost 100% of the listed side effects attributed to synthetic progesterone, including cancer.

The most common reason that a woman have trouble conceiving is a low progesterone level. Applying a 5% progesterone cream four times a day is a recommended dose to help conceive.

As soon as pregnancy is determined, continue to use progesterone four times a day, every day, to avoid miscarriage. Continue this throughout the first trimester. Those women who continue with progesterone cream throughout their entire pregnancy have been shown to give birth to babies with higher IQ.

Progesterone also regulates women's menstrual cycles.

A shortened cycle can occur when starting progesterone.  

Menstruating women who prefer to cycle in order to get pregnant are advised to use topical progesterone 5 to 7 days after the first day of your period and continue until the next period begins. Day 1 is the first day of your menstrual bleed. 

If your period is irregular, start using topical progesterone 7 days after you begin a period and teach your body to learn a new cycle. Stop whenever your period comes back again, and repeat, or apply as recommended by your healthcare provider.

Cycling progesterone can also be utilized if the only concern is regulating periods.

Women with no ovulation like in the case of PCOS can pick a day and start 7 days after the first day of the period and continue until the period starts again.

Men and menopausal women should use 250 mg progesterone every day for the rest of their lives in my opinion.

Progesterone 5%, usually 50 mg per pump, is available as a cream over the counter in the US. Just apply on your forearms and rub them together. 


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