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Why is everyone sick and weak today? Discover how you can 10x Your Energy and run circles around your competitors.

Why is everyone sick and weak today? Discover how you can 10x Your Energy and run circles around your competitors.

Misinformation and Financial Interests

Explore how misinformation spreads and why the healthcare industry might prioritize profit over effective treatments, sidelining potentially life-changing cures.

Psychological Barriers and Social Norms

Understand how societal norms and psychological hurdles foster a resignation to chronic illness and how medication non-adherence and self-sabotage can thwart healing.

Complexity of the Human Body

Learn about the intricate nature of the human body and mind, emphasizing the need for experienced guidance to navigate the often misleading symptoms and treatment paths.

A lot of the information available on the internet today is flat out wrong. There are a lot of well meaning people trying to spread the messages they receive and the things that google, youtube, facebook, governments and pharmaceuticals want you to see, is what gets shown.

There is no incentive for the pharmaceutical industry to solve your problems, the best customer is one that stays alive for a long time but is on one or several medications for life.

Several medications have been taken off the market, because they were too good, which meant that they lost profit.

Other medications like aspirin for example gets a lot of negative reputation for being bad and supposedly you will get internal bleeding and hemorrhage in your brain, when in reality it’s one of the industries best medications. Aspirin is from a natural plant called Willows bark, and it’s been used safely for over 10 000 years.

But since its patent ran out, now there is no profit to be made from it anymore.

Most of the studies are made by or for the pharmaceutical industry and they make the studies so that they show the results that they want.

The biggest reason people fail to heal completely is because they don’t even try. Most people seem to think that we are destined to be sick and weak, and since everyone else is doing the same, social proof reinforced this limiting belief. Studies show that one of the biggest reasons that certain drugs don't show effectiveness is because people simply don't take their medications, either because they forget, or because they are lazy.

When you go to a doctor, one of the most common things that you will hear is that there is no cure, you just have to learn to live with your disease, that’s what I was told for 15 years when I had to go to the hospital and I couldn’t breathe because of my allergies.

If you don’t try you can’t fail, and that’s another big reason for why people don’t succeed. Some people do actually try to solve their problems, but when they don’t see immediate results or they even get worse, they stop. Then there are the people who actually do get better and make progress, but then their brains feel like they will lose a part of their personality if their disease goes away, so they start sabotaging themselves subconsciously.

The supplement makers don't want to get sued if someone gets hurt by taking their products, so they always set low doses to be on the safe side, so another reason why people don’t get results is that they take too low doses.

The last but certainly not the least is because it is hard and complicated. We know more about outer space than we do about the human body and mind.

You can always find compelling evidence for both sides of an argument when it comes to health and nutrition. That’s why it’s so important to try and have an open mind.

Sometimes when you kill off bad bugs and fungi, you can feel temporarily worse before you start feeling better, and sometimes people interpret this as a bad sign, so they quit.

That’s why it’s so important to work with someone who has read studies everyday for 20 years. I made a lot of costly mistakes when I tried to heal myself.

Today I’m grateful for the experience and wisdom that it gave me, but I wish I had just found someone who could have made my journey 10 times shorter. I was stupid, but you don’t have to make the same mistake. Looking back at it in retrospect, it baffles me how I could think it was a good idea to try to heal myself. We don’t expect to be a spaceship engineer without practice and experience, but for some reason we think that we can be the best healers in the world without training.


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