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Clear Your Mind - Blog
Martin Mattsson
17 jan.2 min läsning
Gut fungi might be linked to obesity and inflammatory bowel disorders
Yeast and bacteria can team up to cause trouble Share this: Email Facebook Twitter Pinterest Pocket Reddit Print By Tina Hesman Saey...
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Martin Mattsson
17 jan.22 min läsning
High-Fat Diet Changes Fungal Microbiomes and Interkingdom Relationships in the Murine Gut
ABSTRACT Dietary fat intake and shifts in gut bacterial community composition are associated with the development of obesity. To date,...
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Martin Mattsson
17 jan.1 min läsning
The Fungal Biome of the Oral Cavity
Abstract Organisms residing in the oral cavity (oral microbiota) contribute to health and disease, and influence diseases like...
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Martin Mattsson
17 jan.1 min läsning
The fungal microbiota of de-novo paediatric inflammatory bowel disease
Abstract Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is characterised by an inappropriate chronic immune response against resident gut microbes....
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Martin Mattsson
17 jan.1 min läsning
In vitro growth and analysis of Candida biofilms
Abstract Evaluation of fungal biofilm formation can be performed using several techniques. In this protocol, we describe methods used to...
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Martin Mattsson
17 jan.20 min läsning
Candida albicans Is an Immunogen for Anti–Saccharomyces cerevisiae Antibody Markers of Crohn’s Disease
Abstract Background and Aims: Antibodies directed against oligomannose sequences α-1,3 Man (α-1,2 Man α-1,2 Man)n (n = 1 or 2), termed...
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