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About Martin Mattsson

I am CEO, lecturer, author and biohacking coach.

I've been reading about nutrition, health, pharmacology, biohacking and biology for as long as I could read, and my interest just keeps getting stronger and stronger.

Clear Your Mind is founded by Martin Mattsson, A multi-entrepreneur who after many years of indigestion and allergies managed to cure myself.


"Yes, I’m so happy with the things I got last time – my gut feels so much better now!"  - Maya


I lived many years with brain fog, migraines, constipation, depression, suicidal thoughts, low energy, anxiety, panic attacks and many more symptoms. Totally unnecessary.


My goal is to help you get the right nutrition, supplements and knowledge, tailored specifically to your needs and goals.

I myself have experienced severe physical pain, which also affected emotional well-being, I know what it feels like to be completely powerless, even when doctors cannot provide any answers.

By getting through my toughest times, I have created a new environment that gave him the opportunity to grow and feel my very best, which also led to me being able to start Clear Your Mind and help even more people in similar situations.

The body has an enormously strong ability to create energy and motivation when it is not disturbed by toxins and toxic by-products, which largely come from our own intestinal system.

Feel the difference in how it feels to truly live to the fullest.

When I was growing up, I was one of Sweden's most allergic people. I was at the health center and took tests, but reacted to basically everything.

One day when my family had eaten Denniskorv, I would guess I was around 10 years old.

Me and my stepmother had a small discussion, so I ran down to my room which was in the basement. I remember my mouth and throat swelling up.


I didn't want to go back upstairs and tell my mother because partly I thought it would pass for sure, because that's what happens with cats, and sometimes with pollen too.
But also partly because I'm a stubborn motherfucker as my coach usually calls me.


My mother was more mature than me and came down to talk to me, when she saw how I looked she called the ambulance. They came as fast as they could but since we lived on an island, they pretty much had to wait for the ferry while I was out of breath.

This became a relatively normal everyday life for me. I had to go into the hospital, sometimes several times a month because of the allergies. I had a nurse with me in bamba, so this is the school cafeteria for those of you who don't know, and she was always ready with syringes and medicines in case something happened.
Since my special food usually consisted of boiled potatoes and meatballs without spices or sauce, luckily nothing happened during school hours.


"Martin's advice changed my mental clarity and energy in a way

I didn't think possible. Truly a game changer!" - Julia

Personally, I always had a small stomach bag with meds and syringes with me.

I did special examinations at Östra sjukhuset in Gothenburg, and to everyone's surprise, I didn't react to anything when I ate things I was allergic to while I was there!

All the doctors always told me that allergies are something you can't do anything about, but I just have to learn to live with it, and always make sure to avoid the things I'm hypersensitive to.


My dad was always careful to make sure I didn't do anything that could trigger an allergic reaction, once when we were on a class trip he came running when we were driving the Russian post and shouted: ''Martin can't kiss anyone who has eaten nuts!''.

When I was 19, I moved to Enköping, started eating my own food and supplements. Much to my surprise, my allergies got much better when I lived there. But what was almost even more surprising was that I had an incredible amount of energy. More energy than I've ever had before, and way more than I even thought possible.


"I've gone from being constantly constipated to going to the bathroom every day and

understanding much better what can help me feel better and how I can

regulate how I feel with the help of the supplements, which are completely natural!" - Hanna


Now I understand that it happens when the body does not have to spend all its time, energy and nutrition on dealing with all the toxins, residual products and inflammation from the allergies.
With my newfound energy, I started five successful businesses before I turned 25.

Now I want to help you make the same journey!

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