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When Myth becomes Medical Fact People suffer unnecessarily; The Case of Mistaken Identity: How Pellagra now thought to be rare became known as Celiac Disease — A White Paper

Updated: Jan 17

When Myth becomes Medical Fact people suffer unnecessarily; the case of mistaken Identity: How Pellagra now thought to be rare became known as Celiac Disease — A White Paper

I called this a white paper because it is the first time I know this conclusion/hypothesis has appeared in print in any form.

Pellagra is/was first identified as occurring in Corn based feedstuffs it is/was only natural that when STRESS (WWII) triggered it (Celiac Disease/Pellagra by another name) in wheat based grain diets that doctor’s didn’t see the similarities. So a new disease was being described/created to explain why wheat consuming people developed a malabsorption syndrome that could/would be mistaken for Pellagra if the diet was Corn based.

So this medical myth became medical fact in the 50’s and it has not been challenged really until the functional medicine doctor Prousky conclusively proved Niacin treats digestive problems just as Pellagra Preventive Factor Vitamin B-3 did then protect (cause remission) people from Diarrhea, IBS, and other GI problems not yet classified in the early 20th century so too can/does Niacin(amide) (I believe) now treat Celiac disease today because Celiac disease was the first time Pellagra was described in a wheat based diet. The One (Pellagra faded away) and is replaced now by Celiac disease.

See Dr. Alessio Fasano’s 5 myths about (of) Gluten in the Washington Post a founder and director of the Center for Celiac Research at Massachusetts General and Author of Gluten Freedom.

I want to talk about his 5th myth today.  5) If you have Celiac disease as a child, you will outgrow it.

In the same point he contradicts himself (as people often do when they don’t understand the cause of something) when he says to close his point quoting Fasano “Another milestone was when we determined that people can develop celiac disease at any time in their lives, even into old age. Now we know it is a permanent condition, and the best medical intervention we have is a gluten-free diet.”

Which is it Doc? You don’t grow out of it but you can grow into it?

Is it a genetically triggered disease which patients can’t outgrow? Or is it a disease triggered in time

If you doc are saying your chance of Celiac disease increases with time as you cite then clearly genetics is not the trigger? Clearly doctor you don’t understand the trigger.

It makes more sense to say if as child you encountered something in your environment that triggered Celiac disease then you could get better if the trigger (STRESS) was removed just as in older individuals who had not YET encountered stress in their live HAVE not yet triggered Celiac disease genes in their life.

One has been substituted for the other. A myth has become (medical) fact. It happens a lot more than you think. See Dr. Dana Myatt’s she call’s them kindly calls them “updates” but they were really myths. Something told as truth/fact but still persists though proven untrue.

If Dr. Fasano is still telling people it is genetic (only) disease but in the same post says you can develop it in old age ONE is wrong? OR it doesn’t well explain what is actually happening.

To investigate further his comments in point 5 Dr. Fasano cites Dr. Dicke’s work in the 1950’s

“After watching the mortality rate of children with Celiac disease drop during World War II, Dicke suspected that the decline might be related to the scarcity of bread at that time. Still, it would be decades before the notion that you can outgrow Celiac disease was challenged.”

Let’s consider our environment here for a second – WWII. I would say that is a pretty STRESSFUL environment to say the least. Any war is stressful but a world war could/might trigger any number of syndromes. So the further we get away (in time) from that stress it only makes sense these children’s health would improve tremendously.

And while there was a scarcity of wheat and any food stuffs to a degree (specifically high quality meat proteins known to hold Pellagra at bay)  what was not taken into account when considering the possible causes of Celiac disease was you guessed environment (STRESS).

Have you experience a lot of stress in your life. Then you are experiencing what researchers are now discovering (again) Lifestyle is risk factor for Celiac Disease and you can develop Celiac Disease at any age (see citation above “Celiac disease risk increases as you grow older ( again at ANY AGE) as Fasano himself has proven (again not genetics only) there is a trigger he is still missing because he doesn’t understand completely why this is happening.

Now if stress was the only trigger then Celiac disease would of/have shown up in other theaters’ of war presumable the pacific theater as well. But here it is silent.

Let’s see if we can’t figure out why?

The answer lies in food fortification?

I quote “In the U.S., only 40 percent of the nation’s manufactured flour was enriched, because smaller companies continued to produce cheaper unenriched flour to compete with larger manufactures. In 1942, the U.S. Army decided it would purchase only enriched flour.” Which lead to all (100 percent) of the flour being enriched with what was called the Pellagra Preventive Factor at the time the newly discovered third Vitamin or what we know today as Vitamin B-3 Niacin. See for a great summary.

And while flour as a rule was scarce in Europe during WWII especially in latter years what is often overlooked is that the flour that did arrive now had Pellagra Preventive Factor enriched in it Vitamin B-3 put the Celiac crisis in remission.

A Pellagra outbreak was already successfully quelled once with fortified food stuffs when the Red Cross reversed its incidence during the great flood of 1927 by following Goldberg’s directive of distributing yeast a good nutritional source of Vitamin B-3.  See this link

Remember Celiac Disease was not classified as a definable diease until the 1950’s when Dicke hypothized that the lack of wheat in the diet improved what was then also known as Gee-Herter’s disease when really it was the presence of Pellagra Preventive Factor as correctly hypothized by Goldberg in the 20’s that caused Pellagra to go into remission in the European theater.

I note again for emphasis “After watching the mortality rate of children with Celiac disease drop during World War II, Dicke suspected that the decline might be related to the scarcity of bread at that time”

If stress is a trigger for disease and it is. WWII should of increased Celiac disease UNLESS enriched bread with Pellagra Preventive Factor became MORE common and it did halfway through/during WWII in 1942 exactly when we might suspect improvement in Pellagra patients if indeed Celiac disease (Pellagra misdiagnosed) was now being diagnosed in patients who primary dietary staple was wheat and not Corn Maize where/when it was  first described/diagnosed in the “War on Pellagra” as summarized well by Dr. Heaney here

Because Pellagra is/was first identified as occurring in Corn based feedstuffs it is only natural that when STRESS (WWII) triggered it in wheat based grain diets that doctor’s didn’t see the similarities. So a new disease was being described/created to explain why wheat consuming people developed a malabsorption syndrome that could/would be mistaken for Pellagra if the diet was Corn based.

But we got lucky in a way. The US Army knowing the old adage “an army marches on its stomach” got smart and begin requiring all its flour to be enriched thus not only reversing a developing epidemic (Pellagra confused for Celiac disease in Europe) but the US Army not only fighting/keeping in remission Pellagra in its own soldiers but the whole country and continental Europe benefited.

For when the Army required enriched flour the country went from 40 percent enriched flour to 100% enriched flours and this new developing epidemic of Celiac disease went into REMISSION too (just as Pellagra too was beaten in the poor South) indicating an environmental trigger 70+ years ago and still (confused) experts in the field saying things like myth #5 not only can you not grow out of it as a child but YOU can grow in to it as an adult.  Stop the Madness!

How much longer must people suffer before we relearn histories lesson’s that STRESS triggers sickness and Vitamin’s make us healthy?

I sometime think we have been hit with this “genetic stick” so much if we don’t understand something well it must be genetic then. We don’t understand it so it must be genetics.

Some researchers’ are finally waking up and saying NO Lifestyle is risk factor for Celiac Disease you can get Celiac disease at ANY age. But even doctor’ Fasano doesn’t understand STRESS is the trigger!

Why else quoting Fasano again would you say “The fact that about 1 percent of the population is affected by Celiac disease, while almost 100 percent of humankind is exposed to gluten-containing grains, is evidence that these grains are safe for most people” and in the same article say “ Another milestone was when we determined that people can develop Celiac disease at any time in their lives, even into old age.”

IT IS NOT GENETICS’ ALONE if you can increase your risk at ANY age. Their might be a pregenetic disposition if STRESS is high enough. Then after saying that we “determined that people can develop Celiac disease at any time” he says exactly the OPPOSITE thing. Quoting Fasano again in his VERY next statement “Now we know it is a permanent condition, and the best medical intervention we have is a gluten-free diet. “

NO doctor it is not permanent or you could not develop it at ANY age. The best medical intervention is vitamins specifically Pellagra Preventive Factor now known as Niacin(amide) Vitamin B-3 as Prousky proved over almost 15 years ago Niacin treats digestive problems.

I could go on . . . all the inconsistencies trying to fit a round peg into a square hole. EVEN though he say’s and research (HIS) bares it out that it NOT genetic’s alone he (Fasano) can’t let go of his genetic paradigm . . . you want to say . . . wait a minute this disease develops at any age but you still say it is permanent.

No your argument has holes in it that doesn’t fit the disease patterns. But Epigenetics (Environment/Stress) triggering this disease does.

And Epigenetics is reversible just as Fasano research bares out IS triggerable at any age.

“According to Dr. Decker Butzner, a Calgary-based pediatric gastroenterologist, there are another triggering factor which we’ve never understood…[t]here is an environmental trigger.“

To summarize I will quote for emphasis me The Celiac Posterboy what I said earlier in this blog post because “Pellagra is/was first identified as occurring in Corn based feedstuffs it is/was only natural that when STRESS (WWII) triggered it (Celiac Disease/Pellagra by another name) in wheat based grain diets that doctor’s didn’t see the similarities. So a new disease was being described/created to explain why wheat consuming people developed a malabsorption syndrome that could/would be mistaken for Pellagra if the diet was Corn based.”

So this medical myth became medical fact in the 1950’s and it has not been challenged really until the functional medicine doctor Prousky conclusively proved Niacin treats digestive problems see above citation just as Pellagra Preventive Factor Vitamin B-3 did then protect (cause remission) people from Diarrhea, IBS, and other GI problems not yet classified in the early 20th century so too can/does Niacin(amide) (I believe) now treat Celiac disease today because Celiac disease was the first time Pellagra was described in a wheat based diet. The One (Pellagra faded away) and is replaced now by Celiac disease.

See my earlier tumblr post Dedication The Bee’s (Hive) Story (To the Book “How to Fight Gluten/GERD and Win”) where I quote Dr. Heaney of Creighton University and he says as much “Pellagra is a disease of the past” see this link for the whole article Dr. Heaney does correctly state” it is doubtful today that most health professionals (doctors) would recognize it if a case (of Pellagra) happened to come to their attention.

And why should they when Celiac disease has replaced it (Pellagra) today!

Well it is not as in the past as people/doctor’s think it just known (goes) now as Celiac disease TODAY!

I called this a white paper because it is the first time I know this conclusion/hypothesis has appeared in print in any form.

How do we know this is true? We can’t really UNLESS we are willing to try The Niacin (Niacinamide) Challenge and see if your digestive problems don’t’ go into remission as Prousky proved almost 15 years ago this year.

We can’t really until medical trials are performed. “Keys” as I call them.  See my blog post To Educate is to Free

There are reason’s the doctor’s don’t find Pellagra instead of Celiac disease it is partly because they are commonly taught that “Pellagra is a disease of the Past” to quote Dr. Heaney.

But we can “buzz” the doctor’s with this information see my blog post Dedication The Bee’s (Hive) Story (To the Book “How to Fight Gluten/GERD and Win”) till they submit to either let you take the Vitamin see my post Who’s Afraid of a B Vitamin or through your improvement/remission assent to do “key” studies proving (again) what the Canadian research Prousky discovered 15 years ago this year that “Niacin(amide) treats digestive problems

I always say share – share what you learned here today! (Class/reader) because a lot of people are suffering unnecessarily while the doctor’s find the right (keys’) disease.

Tell someone (share) is all I ask Are You a Starfish (Part 2 – of a Former Sufferer’s Journey) tell others is all I ask – however that is (facebook, twitter, comment on my blog, email a friend this link or link this blog to yours, reblog on your site (cite your source) or review my book on Amazon when you are BURPING for the first time in years or (EVER) – tell a friend about this blog or my book “How to Gluten/GERD and Win” is all I ask but don’t let the chain break with you. There a lot of starfish (sufferers’) who need help.

As always search for the “Celiac Posterboy” or “Celiac Poster boy” or “Fight Gluten Win” or “Fight GERD Win” if you want to read all my blog posts for as I have said elsewhere in this blog and it bears repeating “To Educate is to Free” Truly. See my Celiac Posterboy WordPress blog entry To Educate is to Free Part Two: A Physician’s Guide

If you want to try and educate your doctor and think he will listen.

** This is not medical advice and should not be considered such. Results may vary. Always consult your doctor before making any changes to your medical regimen. But mine has taken The Niacinamide Challenge and his digestive/GI problems are in remission.

The Celiac Posterboy by the Grace of God,

Joe “Rock” Pen Name

2 Corinthians (KJV) 1:3,4 3) “Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort; 4) who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble (starfish), by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.”

2 Timothy 2: 7 “Consider what I say; and the Lord give thee understanding in all things” this included.

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